June – 2020
What are Your Teachable Moments?
Each month I’ll be discussing my book, “Teachable Moments.” I shared my memoir by writing short stories and shared the many lessons I’ve learned. It took me decades for some of those lessons to sink in, but learning is a process. Isn’t that what life is about, learning to live and, living to learn?
Today, we are living through difficult and challenging times. People are suffering from extreme pain, injustices, and losses. Somehow, I cannot imagine life will ever be the same again. But then, when I reflect on my life, I am reminded with every change I went through, life did not stay the same.
We are now living in the year 2020, and what is taking place? A Covid-19 pandemic and protests against racial injustices. The death of George Floyd killed by a police officer was sickening and heartbreaking. Why does it take us so long to make reasonable changes? What have we learned?
Each month in my blog, I will mention a topic from my book and ask a question. If you would like to participate, please share.
This month I want to reflect on a few lessons I’ve learned when I was a child. In my first story, I have a very vivid memory of when our family moved from one farm to another.
What did I learn?
Change is part of life.
Working together taught me that being a team player makes the job easier.
Nothing ever stays the same.
Question for you: What event or experience in your childhood helped shape the person you are today?
We had an upright piano in the living room that my mother played every day. I loved watching her fingers fly up and down the keyboard, and hearing the music that came out of that instrument. Her example and love of music inspired me to take piano lessons, Weekly lessons taught me that developing a skill takes time and commitment, and the outcome can be better playing ability, a greater connection with music, and a lifelong love of learning.
Thank you Ruth Ann,
How true “developing a skill takes time and commitment.” You certainly are an example of being successful with music! You continue to inspire others with your ability to play the piano and sing.
There were so many events in my childhood that helped shape the person that I am today, and one that stands out is that even though my family moved to various different countries about every two years due to my father’s career as a civil engineer, my mother worked hard to make sure the houses we lived in felt like “home.” So in countries like The Netherlands, Malaysia, Japan, Italy, the U.S., and England, even though we lived in each place for a limited number of years, Mom made sure we had animals to love in our homes. We learned how precious the unconditional and abiding love of these animals was, and we learned to take good care of them. In my sixties now, I’ve almost always had a beloved pet to take care of and I’m so grateful that my mother made sure that was part of our lives as children, even though it wasn’t the easiest way for her. Because we moved fairly frequently, and were part of the Exxon workforce, there were always other families eager to adopt our beloved pets when it came time to leave, and there were always pets available for new families coming in. These were usually cats and dogs : ) Once in a while my parents could decide to keep an animal, such as the special cat they adopted in Saudi.
Thank you, Jen! Your life is filled with stories and I hope you will write your book. You certainly had a wide range of teachable moments while living in other countries. How sweet of your mother to allow you to have animals in your home. A good way to be comforted when you are moving so often. It truly is part of our education when we can be exposed to other cultures. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Sandy! As a small boy, I truly loved the little dog on the neighbor’s farm. He was the epitome of playful puppy enthusiasm and affection, and the joy he radiated was absolutely contagious. I was horrified when I heard he had been the victim of a farming accident, an incident with a hay mowing machine that cost him a leg. With dread and a heavy heart, I went to see my canine friend as soon as possible, expecting to find a changed animal, wounded, devastated, dejected and changed forever. I was astounded that the little dog was entirely oblivious to his lost appendage and that he experienced life with the same joy and enthusiasm as always. He was oblivious to the missing leg, and it never occurred to him that the incident should change his outlook. The contrast between how that little dog handled his loss and the self-pity and devastation that I would have expected of an “ordinary” human being under similar circumstances caused me to think deeply about such things. Somehow I had been trained or conditioned to assume that tragedy is something we wallow in and cling to for the rest of our lives. That little dog proved me wrong. Decades later I still remind myself to “be the dog” when circumstances seem most difficult. Thank you for sharing your life lessons in your book. You are a blessing to all who know you. I have ordered your book on Amazon and look forward to reading of your experiences.