Category: Blog

October – 2020

“Living in Gratitude” The word “gratitude” has a simple definition but powerful words. According to the dictionary, it reads, “the quality of being thankful; and to show appreciation.” If you read the story in my book, “Living in Gratitude”, you will notice when my mother’s teachings of “gratitude” made an impression on me. I was very young, but

Welcome Back! July – 2020 What are Your Teachable Moments? “Barefoot Season?” No, not yet. Is it possible there was a reason that I was taught to wait for the right time to go barefoot during the summer? My mother certainly thought it was necessary. Going barefoot was one of my fun things to do,

Welcome! June – 2020 What are Your Teachable Moments? Each month I’ll be discussing my book, “Teachable Moments.” I shared my memoir by writing short stories and shared the many lessons I’ve learned. It took me decades for some of those lessons to sink in, but learning is a process. Isn’t that what life is